Vidhikrit Legal


According to Inc42, the Indian agricultural sector is predicted to increase to US$ 24 billion by 2025. Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70% of the sales. As per First Advance Estimates for FY23 (Kharif only), total foodgrain production in the country is estimated at 149.92 million tonnes. Rapid population expansion in India is the main factor driving the industry.

  • Land acquisition and leasing: Advising on land acquisition procedures, lease agreements, and tenancy laws.

  • Contract drafting and negotiation: Assisting in drafting and negotiating contracts for farming agreements, supply contracts, and marketing arrangements.

  • Agricultural subsidies and government schemes: Providing guidance on eligibility, application procedures, and compliance with government agricultural programs and subsidies.

  • Agricultural laws and regulations: Ensuring compliance with agricultural laws, including seed regulations, pesticide usage, food safety, and labeling requirements.

  • Intellectual property protection: Assisting with the registration and protection of plant varieties, geographical indications, and agricultural innovations.

  • Environmental compliance: Advising on environmental laws and regulations concerning land use, water management, waste disposal, and sustainable farming practices.

  • Labour laws: Assisting with compliance regarding farm labor laws, employment contracts, and social security obligations.

  • Dispute resolution: Representing clients in resolving agricultural-related disputes, including land disputes, contract disputes, and compensation claims.

  • Taxation and accounting: Providing guidance on tax planning, agricultural income taxation, and accounting practices specific to the agricultural sector.

  • Farm succession planning and estate management: Assisting in estate planning, wills, and succession strategies for agricultural properties and businesses.

Engaging an experienced law firm like Vidhikrit Legal can help navigate these complex legal matters and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

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