Vidhikrit Legal

Pro Bono Initiative

At Vidhikrit Legal, we have a policy to provide free legal services in the public interest (pro bono) to a wide range of clients, from the underprivileged to some of the leading charity organisations. We believe everyone should have effective access to their legal rights, and focus our effort on promoting access to the rights of our target groups, including women, children and the LGBTQIA community.


VidhiKrit Legal firmly believes in equal access to justice for all, regardless of financial constraints. That’s why we are dedicated to providing pro bono legal advice and representation to individuals who cannot afford legal services and do not qualify for legal aid.

Pro bono, meaning “for the public good,” is a voluntary service we offer to assist people with their legal issues. Furthermore, we actively engage in pro bono work that supports causes aligned with our values and contributes to the public interest.

To ensure the effective and ethical allocation of our resources, we have established a specialized pro bono committee. This committee oversees our pro bono activities and collaborates with various pro bono organizations and charities to identify cases and clients in need of our assistance.

Our pro bono work spans a diverse range of legal areas, including civil litigation, human rights, immigration, family law, employment law, criminal law, and more. We have successfully helped numerous individuals and groups in various matters, such as challenging unlawful decisions by public authorities, seeking asylum and protection from persecution, obtaining compensation for personal injury or clinical negligence, resolving family disputes and safeguarding children’s welfare, defending against criminal charges or appealing convictions, enforcing employment rights and combatting discrimination, as well as providing guidance on debt, housing, and welfare issues.

We take great pride in the positive impact our pro bono work has on our clients and society as a whole. Our dedication has been recognized through accolades and awards for our contributions and achievements in pro bono services. As we continue on this journey, we remain committed to making a meaningful and lasting difference in the world through our pro bono initiatives.

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